Our Services
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Public Sector Security
If your security team is dealing with the public 24 hours a day, you have to be confident that they are recruited and trained to the highest possible standards. The public's perception of your organization will be determined in part by the attitudes and behavior of your security team.  You expect them to treat the public with empathy and understanding and to react professionally to any security situation. Soviet Security has many years’ experience in providing security teams to the public sector in a wide variety of roles. The general public expect our officers to be able to cope with any situation, large or small. We provide security personnel for: Hospitals Warden Schemes Courts Town Centre Patrols & CCTV Monitoring Schools Universities Colleges Museums Art Galleries Industry Retail Commercial Household
Guarding the Corporate Sector
Often the first person to speak to when visiting an office will be a member of the security team.  Our impressions of that company and their culture are formed on the basis of this first exchange. For all your corporate needs: Front of house Reception CCTV Monitoring and Control Room Staff Post Room Searches Loading Bay Car Park Control
Guarding the Retail Sector
Today's customers demand more from their shopping experience.  More time, more choice and more information. The staff employed to protect your store and its staff must also be able to act as your ambassadors by enhancing the retail experience for shoppers, thereby attracting new visitors. Soviet Security has the resource and expertise to provide the caliber of trained personnel that meet the demands of such positions. In retail stores we provide:- Retail trained officers in-store detectives In shopping center’s we provide: Customer service officers Emergency lift response CCTV Monitoring  and control room staff
Guarding for Industry
Often the success of your organization depends upon the protection of your key assets and production processes. Any disruption on your site will have a cost to your organiza1ion which might run into millions. A swift response from trained and experienced staff on site will often make all the difference between inconvenience and disaster. Meeting the needs of industry: Gatehouse Building patrols Vehicle and Personnel Searches CCTV Monitoring and Control Room Staff Post Room Vehicle Patrols Risk Management Programs Communication

032 459 3390
